Welcome to EFT Wellness Collective

Welcome to the EFT Wellness Collective, a community of dedicated and trained Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Practitioners committed to making EFT more accessible to the general population, regardless of their financial means, and to bring awareness to the transformative power of EFT.

What is EFT?

Emotional Freedom Techniques, often referred to as “Tapping,” is a therapeutic practice that combines elements of psychology, acupressure, and mindfulness to promote emotional healing. It combines acu-points with cognitive exposure and restructuring techniques that help in changing distressing thoughts & feelings and maladaptive behavior patterns. It involves gently tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on emotional or physical issues.

Begin your healing journey with us

At the heart of the EFT Wellness Collective is our shared passion for EFT and belief that everyone deserves access to its healing power. We understand that financial limitations can often hinder individuals from seeking the help they need. That’s why our community is aimed at providing a limited number of EFT sessions at an affordable price to individuals seeking EFT sessions with a trained practitioner.

Photo by Engin Akyurt on Pexels.com


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